pregnancy signs:-
Symptoms of pregnancy:
Are you pregnant? It can be diagnosed based on the presence of some signs or symptoms. Usually some symptoms may become visible one or two weeks after the missed menstrual period. These symptoms appear in 7 out of 10 people within 6 weeks of pregnancy.
Food aversion:
In food at the beginning of pregnancy
Feeling reluctant is quite normal. If the smell of any food makes you feel nauseous, notice if it is constantly happening. There is no clear explanation for nausea or reluctance to eat at this time.
Mood swings:
Mood fluctuations are unnecessarily upset, angry. Both feeling good and bad are intense. It is normal to have no exact address of the mood at this time. There are several reasons for such mood swings. Quantities change.
You may have a feeling of tightness or swelling in your lower abdomen. There may be more gas in the abdomen than usual. Hormonal changes may cause the mother to feel bloated at some point. This is a feeling long before menstruation.
Frequent urination:
One of the changes that occurs in the body at this time due to hormonal changes is the increase in blood flow. Increased blood flow leads to frequent urination. This symptom can be seen in your first streamstar or six weeks.
Feeling weary:
Feeling tired all of a sudden? Or breaking down with fatigue? In fact, no one has yet been able to explain what causes early fatigue in a childbearing mother.
Breast tenderness and swelling:
The softness in the breasts and the nipples can become very sensitive. The size and size of the breasts may increase. After pregnancy, the breasts become very sensitive due to the flow of certain hormones in the body, which is another sign of pregnancy.
Nausea and morning sickness may begin. There may be reluctance to eat certain foods. Usually nausea does not occur before one month of pregnancy. However, there are exceptions for those who experience nausea within two weeks of pregnancy. About half of pregnant women get rid of nausea at the beginning of their second trimester.
Missing menstruation:
If your period is on the right cycle and you are not menstruating at the right time, you may want to consider taking a pregnancy test at home even if you do not have the above symptoms.
Light spotting:
There may be a blood stain that is too light for your delivery.
Increased body temperature:
If you have regular body temperature checks and you find that the 18-day highs are higher than normal, you are most likely pregnant.