Which jobs are dangerous for you during pregnancy?

Pregnancy: avoid to work:

Some activities are dangerous during pregnancy:-

Lifting and carrying heavy things:

1) Lifting or carrying any heavy thing. These should not be done due to enlarged stomach at this time.

Clean the ceiling fan:

2) Changing the ceiling fan window curtains Do not wipe the upper part of the furniture of the house, it may fall into it.

Up and down the stairs:

3) You should not go up and down the stairs unnecessarily. If the stairs are out, then take the railing and go up and down slowly or take someone's help.

Use of tubewells:

4) Many people still have to use tubewell water but the tube well cannot be pressed after getting pregnant.


5) If you have a habit of keeping cats, dogs or other animals and birds, refrain from it. This is because they are more likely to infect pregnant women.

Use coils to kill mosquitoes:

6) Beware of using mosquito sprays or coils in the house. These sprays or coils are not good quality, in most cases they are made of toxic material.

Stay away from kids:

6) Be careful when playing with small children. Because if they kick or punch you can be in danger.

Work that puts the body at risk:

6) Do not do risky work in the body, such as wiping the house, broom, etc.

Engage in work for a long time:

9) You can not be engaged in any work for a long time, such as washing a lot of clothes.


10) No quarrels and threatening jorda, tobacco, gul smoking or any other intoxicants should not be taken.

Physician's advice:

11) No medicine should be taken without the advice of a health worker or a doctor.

Clean the bathroom by chemicals:

12) The bathroom can not be cleaned with a strong smelling chemical. However, you can use lemon juice, white vinegar, baking soda, etc.

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